The new millennium from its outset has created an air of change, an air of improvement, an air of challenging the age-old practices.
A couple in Mumbai, at the birth of their baby.. decided not to label the baby with any religion. This is much simpler said than done. The couple had to go through a host of hurdles.. hospital authorities, BMC officials.. to name a few.
Irrespective of the hurdles, the couple managed to get a birth certificate for their baby without any religion tag on the same. This has to be considered the birth of the new religion i.e "Liberals". The logic behind having a no pre-decided religion tag is fairly simple & understandable. Its a choice of the new-born to evaluate all the religions & choose the one which suits him/her.
India - country where every citizen has enshrined right in the constitution to follow any religion of his/her choice. Its quite absurd to label a child with any religion before he is even able to understand the theory of differentiation on basis of religion. The couple who fought the authorities had to convince the them a great deal. As always human behavior is to oppose change. But change is the only thing which has meaning in a equilibrium state.
The couple has decided to expose the child to host of religions, their values, demands & rituals. Its all then left in the hands of the child to decide which religion he/she wants to follow.
I suppose this step will give inspiration to host of other couples to go through this route. Education itself says - eliminate the boundaries of religion, caste & creed. This initiative for change in the traditional way of thinking & execution for bringing up a child will surely help in eliminating the traditional divide on basis of religion.